In 1984 the Proles, or proletariats, are the people on the bottom of the food chain who do all the productive work in the society, yet they are not appreciated. The Proles are the only people in the society that are free to do whatever they like, because Big Brother does not consider them humans, they are equal to animals. Even though they are discriminated against, the proles seem to be the only people who can be trusted by the government, they do not have telescreens in there houses, nor do they get vaporized like the people inside the party. Frankly, I would rather be a prole.
The Proles live freely and without much care for what goes on within the party, simply because it hardly affects them. They never see shortages of razor blades of other house held items, because the government only uses this to distract party members from their mundane lives. Winston says "all hope [of ever having good lives and righteous government] is in the proles," I agree with him. If any party members organized a revolution, the thought police and patrols would swarm them instantly, because party members are constantly on camera. Proles however have the advantage of privacy, being seemingly harmless, not to mention they heavily outnumber the rest of the population.
The only way anything will get done in 1984 is if the proles revolt, and Winston sees and understands that. when you juxtapose the proles of 1984 and the work force of our nation they are quite similar. Proles do not have any say in politics, but to be honest, neither do we. We elect people to make decisions for us and elect the higher-ups. The only time anything gets done in our civilization is if the labor force and average people revolt, not violently, but really just make an uproar about the things they are unhappy with. The proles could overthrow the government with ease.
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