Monday, September 6, 2010

dreams: chapter 3

       We cannot control our dreams. Not in the sense of our hopes and aspirations, but what happens in our sub conscience at night, the fantasies that slip in and out of our minds that perplex and amaze us, anything can be real in a place that doesn't exist, and yet it does exist, but everything that is there is trapped forever in our own thoughts, always out of reach of reality. Yet nightmares can shake us, scare us for time beyond this dream world, they can take us out of our dreams by fear, they can feel so real that a grip is lost on what is real and what is not. Nightmares are certainly stronger than dreams. years after an accident, a victim can still recall the memory and wake up in a screaming fit from the pure terror that lurks in their dreams.
       In chapter 3, Winston dreams about his mother, and younger sister. They were in a ship sinking to their deaths, while he sat helplessly watching them from the surface. whether this event actually took place, and Winston's memory is projecting itself in his dreams, or if this scenario is symbolism for something else that happened to Winston's family, I don't know. He knew that they were sent to their death because he survived, but why was he saved? Why was his mother and newborn sister sacrificed to save him? Who saved him yet let his mother die while holding an infant? His dream leaves so many unanswered questions and is quite a conundrum.
       In the chapter he has several other dreams with just as confusing aspects. Another dream takes place in a meadow that is Winston's perfect place, and the love interest at his work place comes running to him and undressing herself. Then his other coworker is talking to him and going to help him destroy Big Brother. The human sub conscience is a strange and frightening place.

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