Mr. and Mrs. Parsons are simply and without any better explanation, dimwitted. Mr. Parsons is a coworker of Winston, as well as living down the hall. Winston thinks very little of the man as an intellectual, and refers to him as sort of a dumb-jock. Mrs. Parsons on the other hand, can't speak in complete sentences, let alone finish a thought with out being distracted by something else. This family is the ideal family of INGSOC, both parents are loyal, stupid, party members, and the children are raised to take their parents place one day.
They are merely uneducated, and that is why they are taken advantage of by their leaders. it is sad to believe that uneducated people are just as badly taken advantage of in this world as they are in 1984. without an education, a person cant get far in the workforce besides manual labor, aren't likely to get health benefits, and are bound to be ripped off by any kind of merchant at any chance. Even the government uses their lack of knowledge to hurt them, uneducated people are kept in poverty, and in a circle that inhibits them from gaining social status.
The Parsons children, are dreadful little monsters that terrorize their home, as well as the entire neighborhood. They cannot be trusted because the government has turned them into human wire taps, using them as spies and an amateur police force, they are the scourge of their parents life. these children would do anything for BB (Big Brother) even if it means turning in their own parents. The only loyalty in this world is that from every person to the government, and none to each other.
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